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Artist: The Cure

The following channels include songs by The Cure

Brand New Indie

As soon as we get it, you hear it

1980s Hits

Top chart hits of the eighties

A Flock of '80s

Pop, Rock and New Wave from the early MTV era

1980s Alternative

The birth of modern rock

1990s Alternative

The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...

'90s Pop Alternative

Alternative pop songs that became mainstream hits

Alternative Rock Classics

Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus

Alternative Now!

Pushing the boundaries of modern rock

Adult Rock

More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative


Bored with the USA? UK Rock, Pop, Electronic, and Classic underground

Post Punk/No Wave

Punk "grows up"

Vintage Violence

Classic '70s & '80s Indie, Punk, Garage, Psych, Post-Punk, and No Wave

Alternative on the Charts

Only the top Alternative Rock chart hits -- updated weekly!

Beatles Plus: Just Covers

Nothing but covers of songs written by George, John and/or Paul

Beatles Plus

Every official Beatles track, plus solo material and the best covers

Alternative Rock: New Releases

Nothing but brand new Alternative rock tracks. As fresh as it gets!

Classic Hits

All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey

Love Is a Bummer

Pop & alternative rock, for the sad, the cynical and the scorned

Listeners' Top 100: Alternative

The Top 100 listener-rated Alternative rock songs, new and old

Listeners' Top 100: Adult Rock

The Top 100 listener-rated Adult Rock tracks

Classic Rock 1989

Clapton, Stevie Ray, the Stones, Rush, and Aerosmith rocked '89

New Wave '80s

Pure Post-Punk and New Wave

Indie Flagship

Iconic indie artists and the latest releases

Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

For the first time in 17 years, Rolling Stone completely remade their list of the best songs ever...

Classic Rock Album Cuts

Great songs you may not have heard for a while (or have yet to discover)

Adult Alternative

Blending early modern rock (U2, the Cure, R.E.M.) with more current alternative (Coldplay, Arcade...

'90s Classic Rock

Great rock of the '90s and classic rockers' later recordings

Sweet Harmony

Many genres of harmonizing lead and background vocal music

Critics' Picks: Top Songs of the '80s

Derived from hundreds of critics' lists of the best music of the decade

Critics' Picks: Top Songs of the '70s

Derived from hundreds of critics' lists of the best music of the decade

1990s Hits

The hits that defined the decade

Unplugged: Acoustic Versions

Alternative acoustic versions of rock and pop hits, with lots from the MTV performances

Greatest Love Songs of All

A thousand of the very best Pop, Oldies, Country, and Soul Love Songs of all time!

Feel Good '80s & '90s

Spirited tunes from the '80s and '90s to get you motivated and moving

'80s Hayride

A collection of '80s hits perfect for any fall activity

This Is Music: 1979

Welcome to the year that gave birth to the Walkman!

Let's Talk About Sax

Pop, rock, and R&B with sax appeal!


'80s-based alternative and new wave that goes beyond the pop and fluff and gets to the stuff we r...

The Multiverse

From Alternative to Zydeco and ABC to ZZ Top, it's genre-defying, decades-spanning eclecticism.

The Leopard Print Lounge Chair

By radio pro Donna Reed, mellow Classic Rock and laid-back Alternative for de-stressing, relaxing...

The New Wave: 1983

Our prime collection of modern rock from a year of great releases from New Order, Aztec Camera, T...

Classic Rock 1985

Rock meets Pop and early Alternative, with Dire Straits, John Mellencamp, the Cure, and Talking H...

Music from "Superstore"

Season 6 of NBC's hit comedy, about the staff at a big-box store called Cloud 9, is here. Oh, and...

Rock Alphabet: "C" is for cool kids

Our cool collection of Clapton, the Cure, Cream, Creed, Crosby Stills & Nash, and more

Classic Alternative 1985

Before grunge, THIS was Alternative Rock: R.E.M., the Smiths, New Order, and Kate Bush

College Rock Radio: 1985

A sweet journey into those dorm driven turntables that were delivered to your headphones closed c...

Set in the '80s

'80s hits that set the scenes for "Stranger Things," "Everybody Hates Chris," "The Goldbergs" and...

This Is Music: 1992

Baby, Get Back to this Too Sexy channel dedicated to an Achy Breaky year for music. 1992, we will...


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